Not sure where to begin picking curriculum for your homeschool? My friend Rebecca, over at Homeschool On, can help get you started on the right foot!

We are personally going into homeschooling full time this fall! I’ll have 4 kiddos to teach, from pre-k through 6th grade. To some, that seems like a hefty load. To me, a glorious opportunity to connect, grow and learn with my children.

Though to be honest, it can feel a little daunting at times. Especially thinking about what curriculum to use, how to schedule it into our days, and how to do it all at once! Rebecca’s quiz helped me identify my children’s learning styles, which led to the kinds of curriculum I might want to consider. What a blessing!

This quiz was enough of a kick start on my curriculum planning path to find plans that are specific to some of my kiddos, as well as some that I can use across the board. She also has a TON of great information, videos and classes you can check out to support you and your homeschooling decision! 🙂
So jump over to Rebecca’s quiz now, and see for yourself!